Our Platforms

Praekelt uses two main platforms for the bulk of engineering work:

  1. Django and Jmbo

    We use Django for websites, mobi sites, responsive sites, mobi HTML5 apps. Jmbo is our own lightweight publishing framework built on top of Django.

  2. Twisted

    Projects that require large concurrency work better in a Twisted environment.

Use of any other platform must be approved by our engineering management, and may need to be hosted separately from our usual environments, so please get this sorted out prior to commencing development on a project.

Django and Jmbo

You should use the latest stable release of Jmbo and / or Django as of the start of the project unless otherwise specified. Pin that version in your requirements so that the project won’t break by accidently being deployed on a newer version without testing.

You must use jmbo-skeleton_ as a starting point for Django projects, as it has the layout and configurations we use, so that deployment will be smooth.

We deploy Django in the following stack:

You may simplify this for development but we recommend you keep your dev environment as close to this as you can.


  • We manage hostnames in nginx because there may be multiple QA and live hostnames, so don’t use Django’s ALLOWED_HOSTS.
  • Make use of pip and virtualenv.
  • There are specific requirements for logging. Please see the Logging section for more information.


Twisted is a scalable...


All logging must happen to a standardized path, under /var/praekelt/log. If your app has a large amount of files (celery, worker, and app, for instance), write each of these to a named path under /var/praekelt/log/appname/foo.log, otherwise just /var/praekelt/log/foo.log is sufficient.

Logs always end with the extension .log. .err is not valid. If you need to write out error logs, either use the name foo-error.log, or write your supervisord configuration with the redirect_stderr option.

The basis for this requirement is to ease debugging (hunting logs in 7 different directories is never fun, and causes issues when under time pressure), simplifies log rotation, and allows them to easily fit within our automatic log collection and indexing system.